Women’s Empowerment
The artisan sector is the second-largest employer in the developing world after agriculture, worth over $32 billion every year according to the Artisan Alliance. Artisan activity creates jobs, increases local incomes, and preserves cultural traditions that in many places are at risk of being lost. Over 65% of artisan activity takes place in developing economies.
The majority of artisans are small producers – often women – working informally which too often means this is an overlooked, undervalued and underfunded economic sector with still untapped potential. At the same time, it is well recognized that women are key drivers of economic growth. According to USAID to eradicate extreme poverty and build vibrant economies in developing countries, women must gain access to and control of capital, land, markets, education and leadership opportunities.
200 Million Artisans aims to accelerate the growth of artisan enterprises by bridging gaps in information, education and partnerships.
Nearly 80% of the 2,200 artisans and farmers Avani works with in northern India are women.
BIDUK is seeking investors to extend its lending program to additional enterprises.


El Camino de Los Altos
